Tuesday 24 May 2022

5 Unique and Cheap Hens Party Bag Fillers

cheap hens party supplies

It’s the time of year to start thinking about planning the perfect hens party, and one of the best parts of any hens party is the gift bag! No matter your budget, there are many cheap and unique hens party bag fillers available online and in party stores that will be perfect for your hens gathering. Here are five unique and cheap hens party supplies for party bags that are perfect for any special girl’s night out!

Hens Party Sashes

If you’re planning a hens party for your nearest and dearest friends, you’re probably on a tight budget, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get creative with your accessories. Sashes are an inexpensive way to add something special to your gift bags. Even if your guests already have something similar, they’ll appreciate having another one as a backup. Plus, because they come in so many different styles and sizes, there’s no reason why you can’t use them for more than just gifts. They also make great decorations at any hen party!

Hens Party Novelty Straws

Novelty straws are always a fun addition to any hen party bag fillers or even for everyday use. They are definitely a hens party accessory with a difference. They’re exactly what you need to add to your bag fillers repertoire because they can be used as regular straws or worn as fun hens party accessories! They come in a variety of designs and colours, so there’s sure to be something perfect for your theme.

Hen Party Candles

Giving out candles as party bag fillers is a great way to add something fun, cheap, and quirky to your hen party. Who doesn’t love a good surprise?! What makes these candles even better is that they’re designed specifically for hen parties – what an extra laugh to get some novelty hens party candles!


A hens party tiara is a fun accessory to add to any bag. If you’re lucky enough to have a best friend who goes all out, they may even make it part of their costume! Tiaras are also relatively cheap to buy in bulk online or at party stores, making them perfect fillers for your hens gift bags.

Quiz Cards

Quiz cards are the perfect accompaniment to any hens party because they add an element of fun but also get people interacting with each other. A hens party quiz game is a great way to help shy friends loosen up and socialise while bringing all the participants closer together. It can also be added to any bag filler to create the ultimate hen’s party gift bag. They’re guaranteed to be a hit!

Fun and Cheap Hens Night Ideas You Will Love

cheap hens night

If you are hosting or attending a hens night, there are plenty of fun activities to do that won’t break the bank! If you’re looking for cheap hens night ideas, these are going to be perfect. You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on your hens night, in fact, these activities can be done pretty cheaply.

Play Card Games

Card games are a great way to keep your guests entertained at your hens party. Adult Hens Party Charades is a fun, modern twist on card games where you answer funny, awkward, or inappropriate prompts with your funniest cards. Or if you’re looking for something that’s also hilarious but a little more subtle, then hens party dare cards are another great option. There are so many hens night card games available online. Pick up some cards and host an evening of wild hen party card game fun!

Have a Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts are always fun, whether you’re eight or eighty. Create a list of clues, hand them out to your ladies, and give them a time limit. Whether it’s for fun, prizes or both, your hens will love it!

Have a Wine Tasting Session

Hosting a wine tasting is an excellent way to encourage everyone to relax and socialise. Fill wine glasses with different types of white or red wines, depending on your preference. If you’re hosting a party at home, make sure you have some sturdy cocktail glasses handy. After each person tries each type of wine, let them give their honest opinion about what they liked best.

Do Something Everyone Will Enjoy

If you’re looking for something everyone will enjoy that isn’t drinking, consider a photo booth. The best ones will have props available and have great quality photos printed right at your party. Get creative with your poses, use the props to make a scene or wear one of the silly hens night sashes!

Cook Together

Cooking together can make a party even more memorable. From choosing what to cook to deciding how to serve it, you’ll be able to strengthen your relationships with those involved in your celebration. Of course, food plays a big role, so we’ve included suggestions for fun foods that will spice up your night! A great hens night doesn’t have to be expensive; just choose fun activities that get everyone involved! Don’t forget to add hens night decorations that trigger the party mood.

Spa Day at Home

Hosting a spa day at home is an excellent way to pamper friends without breaking your budget. Set up a spa in a box kit with everything you need. Have each guest contribute one item to go into her gift bag that she can then use during her at-home treatment. This helps keep costs down while getting creative!